Whether you are a senior salesperson or a beginner, it is always important to discover the best new techniques of prospecting. The conventional business prospecting is an unpleasant exercise. Discover the newest business prospecting techniques to get new customers.

Listening before prospecting and defining the prospecting plan

The most effective prospecting technique is to always take the time to listen. This means listening during a telephone conversation. There are currently great tools to spy on the prospect to understand what the issues are and also to identify the trigger events. In fact, the trigger is the element that will allow you to contact this prospect and start a conversation to humanise the exchanges. You can introduce the business in this discussion and you can also offer the prospect to move forward with you.

With the dozens of social media channels available and new technologies, you have many opportunities for business development. In addition, you can easily lose focus and spend the day procrastinating. You need to organise your prospecting. In this case, you need to define buyer personas, study unsuccessful sales proposals, set up the steps to follow for prospects, determine the key elements to be collected during sales prospecting, and plan the media hook scenarios.

Prospecting : providing value

Prospecting is about trying to determine how you can help prospects by providing solutions. You can also prospect companies. For the prospecting strategy, the most effective way to find out if you can help someone is to ask them. However, note that no one will cooperate with you if you go straight to them. You are therefore advised to start by observing the prospects and identifying how you could help them in the short term. But what advice can you give them during a conversation so that they want to be interested in your proposal and acknowledge your expertise ? If you can also provide value for free to each prospect, you will gain their trust.

Use new prospecting media

You should try to be innovative in your prospecting techniques and attempt to get out of the spots where all your competitors are clustering. Few salespeople use, for example, Facebook to prospect. Yet it is a very good generator. It's easy to explain : prospects are all human beings and when they discover on Facebook, during their break or at the end of the day, a relevant post providing a solution to their problems, there is a high chance they will be interested. If it's on Facebook, they won't ignore it. In other media, there are also discussion forums or blogs talking about your field of expertise. Many prospects go there to look for solutions. Using the new customer research media also means that you have to adapt to the media they use to get the information across. 

In general, this can be audio recordings, video conferences, infographics or video. It is also important to create content that reinforces customer research techniques and to use omnichannel prospecting techniques. The most effective sales prospecting technique is to multiply the points of contact with the same prospect. You can chat on Twitter, connect on LinkedIn and have a direct discussion by email or by phone. If you also manage to always be available to the prospect, they will feel more confident. We've proven that we have common interests, because we've had an opportunity to talk about a lot of things in different places and at different times.