Whatever type of shop you run, one of your main objectives is to generate revenue. It is the backbone of your business and will allow you to sustain your activity, pay your employees, invest in your business... To be able to manage your business properly, you need to use the right tool to monitor your accounts. Nowadays, specialised companies such as Apitic, offer very efficient management solutions dedicated to retailers, such as the Apifac invoicing software. Learn more in this article. 

Activity monitoring : an essential element for retailers

Every manager needs to know his income and expenses to ensure the financial stability of his business. But when you have many customers and different suppliers, it is easy to get lost in your account tracking. Invoices awaiting payment, management of unpaid bills, delivery notes, etc. It is essential that you set up a complete system to organise your business monitoring.

Invoicing software : a powerful monitoring tool

Digitalisation now offers new, high-performance solutions to help you monitor your accounts on a daily basis. Thanks to an invoicing tool such as Apifac, for example, you can save time and monitor your activity in great detail.

What is invoicing software ?

An invoicing software is a web tool, which allows you to perform different tasks inherent to the monitoring of your accounts from a single interface :

● Editing quotes,

● Creation of purchase orders,

● Generation of invoices,

● Creation of delivery notes,

● Customer account management,

● Tracking of receivables,

● Unpaid reminders,

● Accounting export...

How to follow your accounts with this kind of tools ?

Thanks to an intuitive dashboard, you can see every day the overall state of your outstanding customers, consult the reports by customer, centralise your invoices and find them easily, and carry out accounting exports in a few clicks...

You can find out which customer has paid you, which one is late, who you need to remind, etc.

Other features of the invoicing software

By implementing a powerful invoicing tool, you can also benefit from other complementary features :

● Setting up a digital billing terminal to allow customers to print their invoices independently,

● Intuitive invoice layout with product grouping and customisation (logo, deadlines, RIB...),

● Setting up alerts to find out which invoices are overdue,

● One-click reminders for unpaid invoices...

Cash register software and invoicing software : complementary tools ?

If the accounting software focuses on invoice management, you may also need a cash register software, to receive payments from your customers inside your business. To avoid multiplying the tools, the specialist Apitic offers an invoicing software (Apifac) interfaced with its cash register software (Web-Caisse). You can thus set up a complete solution for collecting your customers and managing your accounts.

What are the advantages of these all-in-one solutions ?

Using an accounting tool coupled with a cash register software, allows you to benefit from many advantages :

● A better tracking of your activity,

● Up-to-date accounting,

● A considerable amount of time saved on a daily basis.

As you can see, you can now better follow your accounts, optimize your management and take advantage of powerful tools, easy to handle, to simplify the tasks of your staff, but also yours.