Carrying out a tailor-made tender watch allows you to discover all the advertisements relating to your sector of activity without receiving polluting advertisements. It is thanks to this balance that you can benefit from the most relevant calls for tender in your sector. Among other things, this allows you to save precious time in processing ads that are not relevant to your business. Moreover, it is an opportunity for you to reach a bigger chunk of the public market.

What is tender monitoring ?

Tender monitoring is an important step that all companies must undertake as part of their business development. Also known as marketing intelligence, it allows you to carry out marketing operations that are directly targeted at the public market. This action offers the possibility of monitoring the public market and discovering new business opportunities. By gathering relevant information, each company can target a specific sector in which it can position itself.

The benefits of quality tender monitoring

A quality tender watch implies retaining a good filtering of the offers and patiently monitoring the public market. Indeed, when you carry out a tender watch, you will have access to a plethora of announcements. Some of these may be of interest to you, while others may be of no importance to your business. Filtering is therefore important because it allows you to return only those advertisements that interest you in the public sector. The main purpose of this process is to prioritise the notices that are relevant to you and that most closely match your search terms. More importantly, it eliminates duplicate tenders that could pollute your watch.

As for monitoring the public market, this stage is essential to refresh your knowledge of the constraints of the global market related to your sector. During your watch, you will automatically monitor the markets and thus be able to determine the calls for tender that are relevant to you. At the same time, you can study your competitors and adjust your strategy to stay ahead of them. This is a great way for you to achieve your goals and achieve quick success. 

How to do a good screening ?

The effectiveness of an RFP watch depends mainly on the filtering of the ads. When this is done properly, you will only get offers that are relevant to your business. The best way to carry out a good filtering is to call upon a professional. Indeed, this step is crucial and should never be neglected as it can compromise your project.

An expert in market intelligence will be able to correctly identify the ideal market in which to operate. After that, he will be able to offer his skills and expertise in filtering the ads that are most adapted to your search criteria, previously established during your audit. Among other things, he will be able to remove duplicate advertisements that could hinder your monitoring. On this subject, the removal of duplicates enables companies to simplify the daily selection of their job advertisements. For example, if your monitoring detects a single notice published on three or four market sources, you will only be notified once.

In addition, to avoid polluting your watch, you should also undertake an intelligent analysis of your search criteria. It should be noted that your search terms have a major influence on your performance. If you use a very well-known term, you may find yourself with a very large number of unimportant ads. On the other hand, if you choose a complicated and strict terms, you risk excluding many relevant ads. At this point, the help of an expert can be of great interest to you, as it helps you find the perfect balance. He or she will help you to define the search terms to be used to guarantee the best performance of your monitoring.